Return to Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals
Live reporting by Marvetta Rutherford
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Board postpones decision in case about Cleveland fuel pipeline

Denise A@cleDocumenter @CleDocuDenise
Hey there #Cleveland I will be covering Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals
For @CleCityCouncil
Tomorrow morning at 930am
#TellYourFriends to join us
#cledocumenters @cledocumenters

09:37 PM Jan 17, 2023 CST

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Happy new year @Rossitron5 good to see you sir
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Ok sugars get the coffee and whatever else you need.. we start at 930
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As the participants come into the Meeting join us on YouTube..
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Patrick Gallagher the Chairman is present as well a few others such as @HairstonCCC10 this morning! A few technical and Huemans issues are being dealt with today..
As customary his case will be heard first
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Apparently the issues are taken care of as the preamble is read... the reminder to mute their microphone is very much needed
Roll call and Call to order
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First order of the Meeting today... still working on audio for a person..
Three members of the board is present. This opens up the possibility that these issues could be heard at a later date
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Owner Tricia explained that the previous residents left their belongings in the units and they request additional time to be in compliance
Fire alarm systems have updated with 90 total and only 20 units occupied.
There was water damage in the building
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T Vanover suggested that the matter be resolved by March.
Ms Raymond said that some residents are moved to units that are not water damaged
And the debris left in many units are substantial
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@HairstonCCC10 disagrees with the owner. He said people are leaving because of the conditions. Residents have called to complain about the substandard housing standards in the property and large amounts of trash that he arranged to get cleaned
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He has been in council for 5 years and has been trying to reach the owners who have been ghost as far as dealing with the issue no further time should be given. The prospective owner said he would not be buying the property unless the people had heat
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Motion made to deny the extension
Raymund retorts that she has paid for trash removal once she knew about the property. New personnel has been hired and auxiliary trash containers have been installed
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She said she is making sure that trash is removed from the hallway..

One board member noted the issue was filed in October and there was no snow
T Vanover spoke about the new buyer and the business at hand
These things should have been done..
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He also felt that the denial would be great.. members agreed and is denied
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Next item is in Ward3
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Parties are sworn in
Shonna White said that the fees were paid
TVanover verified it
The violation has been satisfied and the inspector will be advised
This cycle is 5 years .
Owner wants to know what else is needed.

Vanover said the grant time would end
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Motion made and passed

Next up
This goes back to July 2022
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Mohanad Ghazal is the owner. He said that with covid he had issues. He owns the property next door and is finished with it. He said he would get completed as soon as he can
Vanover said the property is condemned and this is the second set of permits
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This is in Ward 5 purchased and condemned at the time of purchase. Vanover said no further time should be given.
Ghazal says he plans to meet with workers to get a plan of action...
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Motion made but the owner can still get more permits
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Back to ward 3...
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Fire issues are the factors
Parties are sworn in
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W Daniel Bickerstaff is an architect of the project. Some discussion about submission of photos is allowed.
This is in the Tremont area.
He sent the photos to Vanover and they are being emailed into Maurice Reulens to be added
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The structure has a third floor that needs sprinklers this doesn't meet the exceptions
Vanover said
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These are the current plans but it is a four unit project
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Bickerstaff explained the proposed changes
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Fire codes require the sprinklers as the city code.
Vanover said the board needs to determine whether its a serious hazard.
Bickerstaff agreed and spoke to the window that will have exit possibilities as well
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Fire department Lt White said they have to review the information
City officials are in agreement
Vanover reminded that the serious hazards should be expressed
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Fire states that the windows doesn't meet getting residents to a safe place after exiting.
Gallagher suggested 2 weeks to review the features suggested.
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This is the exit window
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This is the window
Robert Maschke agrees with the 2 week period
Board member approved
2 weeks it is
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Bickerstaff wants to meet in the interim
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5 minutes to set up the next case
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Next item parties are sworn in and both in person and remote
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Parties are sworn in but is reluctant to proceed with the number of members today
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Fire and Law is present for the project
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Gallagher explained that the board has the ability to hold the case but the project can be heard today.
People are in the city hall space from out of town today
Sworn in
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Law department cited the various items for the history and prior variances
The city is in opposition to anything not first presented to the city. This is in the area of the #CuyahogaRiver
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Law plans to question the notches cut into dike walls and ingredients that can be cancerous as well..
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These notches are being discussed by the fire department. This plan was submitted prior to the retirement of an officer
The permits were held because of them. As well pipe containment is an issue.
I can't identify the people speaking from city hall
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A captain said the plan showed the proposed changes that doesn't have the necessary for safety
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Dating is an issue for the law department
Permits for the tanks that are old
Dyke walls are a factor
Notches can not be used.
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Prior owner was advised in 2008 the law department said
Codes for the outside of the project has no Protection from mechanical injuries etc
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Gallagher replied about the fire code.
Their codes are stricter than building said law department

The fluids are gasoline and diesel said the project presenter

Law department spokeswoman objects to the changes that were not submitted
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Project spokesman said the changes were submitted last week..

Gallagher and the board are going forward
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This structure has been in place over 70 years
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These channel notches have been an issue since last June
The presenter said.
They didn't get permits for the notches
They have met with Fire
And have a architect who is poised to speak to the practical use of the project
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Height of the interior wall should be considered the presenter said.
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8.5 million dollars is the basis of what is being done
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This is the only terminal in Cleveland
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This will serve 10 countys this code has been in place since Truman was president
He disagrees with the notion of the notches being forbidden
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Spillovers are considered in the design. Mr Haggerty is the architect of the project. He works with industry clients. And dangerous fluids is a common thing
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He has gone through the project and finds the company is in compliance with the city he said
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Determining what is a #SmallSpill is the issue he said.
Technology has evolved from the sixties with fire fighting foam that starves the fire of oxygen
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What would you rather have, one location in the instance of a fire? Or 200 feet to attack
The current situation is out of date Haggerty said
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In Service tanks are inspected 5 years
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The consulting team has advised that the proposed plan is safer
Law department spokeswoman said that the company is in business. Having asked Haggerty is a firefighter and the answer is no. She questions about the existing condition. Mlm
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She proceeded to cross examine the architect as if they were in court.
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Asking for the fire department's map again and continued her line of questioning..
She questions about what he has objections to
Haggerty said the city code has not kept up with current times.
Continued discussions about this proceed
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I will stand firm on asking questions from the law department....
Have you inspected the walls
They are old and have been repaired and they are good to go.

Is there any change in the elevation.. yes
There was a study done by another firm
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Are the inner dike walls more affected than the outside? Somewhat was the answer

Is there a fix for the outer wall?
Law department asked

The project was determined by the lowest level Haggerty said
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Law department asked what was submitted
And the additional tanks that are in the project
The calculations were in the 7 tanks and used volumes in the containment possibility.
They do not use the maximum amount
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Law department still has objections
Gallagher said the board is losing a member due to time.
This matter is not going to settled in this Meeting...he encourages the people to get with the city and fire department
In the interim
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Approved by the board!
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Meeting is adjourned! Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to
Or email us at

Until the next time I love you to life!
Happy HumpDay!