GLWA, Board of Directors
Great Lakes Water AuthorityLocation unavailable
Zoom Meeting:
Check the source website for additional information
Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team
$1 mil HP payment to be distributed to member partners; board authorized $40 million in bonds to address project cost overruns at Northeast Water Treatment Plant due to a 120-inch water main break
$1 mil HP payment to be distributed to member partners; board authorized $40 million in bonds to address project cost overruns at Northeast Water Treatment Plant due to a 120-inch water main break
Today I’m back to cover the Great Lakes Water Authority Board of Directors meeting at 2 pm for #DETDocumenters
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11:00 AM Jun 28, 2023 CDT
There is nobody in person, and two individuals online.
Chair Hendrix is explaining that the Board cannot respond to questions during this public comment period.
Here's some context into what this speaker is referring to:…
Chair Hendrix agreed that a public meeting is needed in this case and passed the mic over to General Counsel Randal Brown to clear up some "misinformation"
Brown said in 30 days this information will be public and on GLWA's website.…
He said 100s of millions of dollars have been spent on this project just to change courses
Porter said she thinks a pause just needs to be taken to reevaluate just in case there's a future break
This resolution requires all 5 board members present 1/2
Hendrix said he's prepared to support because he feels Bateson has done her due diligence. But he's also concerned why she can't answer Baker's questions
Brown said it's easy to anticipate the questions that will come out of Highland Park and it's vital that the Board answers them in laymans terms, and a community meeting is absolutely necessary.
Board representative John Zech asked if it would be a full board meeting in Highland Park or just a one-issue meeting. He says he supports the idea either way
Zech said it's important the Board goes into this with the mindset of allowing time and not rushing participants
Wolfson said GLWA will not benefit from this $1 million…
All three motions passed.
Bateson said a pause was put on bad debt recovery in last years, creating a timing difference.
Zech asked if partners know there's been a pause.
Batseon said it's up to the extent they are in communication
these numbers are estimates
Agency Information
Great Lakes Water Authority
The Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) is a regional water and sewer authority that services nearly 40 percent of the water customers in Michigan. Currently GLWA provides wholesale water and waste water services to 127 municipalities in eight Southeastern Michigan counties, which is equivalent to approximately 3.9 million customers.