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Live reporting by Aryssa Burton
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Public Health Board accreditation, Extreme heat and urban heat islands

aryssa symone @aryssadocs
Good morning! Today I’ll be live tweeting the Chicago Dept of Public Health Board of Health meeting for @CHIdocumenters #chidocumenters

04:49 AM Jun 27, 2024 CDT

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The meeting begins/is called to order at 9:02am and is being held both in person and remotely. You can see the agenda below
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The meeting notes from May 2024 are approved once quorum is achieved
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John Pfieffer (CDPH) presents on the new RFP (request for proposal) process, shown below. The RFP process happens during a bidding proposal, the new requirements include: anti-racist policies, trauma prevention services, cultural responsiveness & health equity in all communities
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There’s a back and forth over the new requirements between the board members - they all agree that the RFP process includes all the guiding principles of CDPH’s mission but some members aren’t sure if the new requirements will turn some orgs away from applying
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Someone adds that the guiding principles haven’t been explicitly asked for before, but they have been stated. It’s decided that the new RFP process needs work to become more intentional. The questions should align w/the aim to be inclusive of all varying (1/1)
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Chicago populations while still adhering to the guiding principles and mission of the CDPH to provide health equity in all communities
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Kate McMahon presents on the legislative updates. They’re split into bills that are ready for Gov. Pritzer’s signature including SB 3136 (family recovery plans) and SB 3350 (fentanyl test strips) and potential veto session issues including hemp regulation and a psilocybin bill
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This part was a bit hard to hear but I did get a screenshot, seen below. MICAH (maternal, infant, child & adolescent health) bills to sponsor are HB 5142 & HB 5239 and chronic disease bills the board agrees on are SB2662, SB 3098 and SB 3751.
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Next up, is the PHAB Reaccreditation overview and update. PHAB is the Public Health Accreditation Board, its mission is to advance and transform public health practice by championing performance improvement, strong infrastructure & innovation. (…
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Fikirte Wagaw, presents on the reaccreditation process. Chicago was the first large city in the US and the first city in IL to have an accredited public health department. In 2018 the 5 year cycle ended for accreditation but Covid significantly changed the cycle
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An accredited health department from an external party is seen as valuable to CDPH because it will allow for them to govern honest feedback, can be used as an organizing tool and will ensure the city of Chicago’s health. Below are the PHAB domains, timeline & systems assessed
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For public comment, there is one speaker, given 3 mins - Joy. They bring up the issue of extreme heat and think CDPH should follow the guidelines of the OEMC. Joy says there are heat islands in Chicago, where there’s a 22 degree difference in black and white areas of the city
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Joy adds that based on heat risk color maps, the city should have more accessible cooling centers that are open longer and during weekends/holidays. Joy says that the 1995 heat wave incident in Chicago should serve as a lesson especially since climate change has gotten worse
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Janet Lin, MD, president acknowledges that heat illness is a real threat and says the board and CDPH should be sensitized to and more aware of climate change issues
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The meeting is adjourned at 10:29am
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